Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Order of Adjectives

There is an order of adjectives
‘What’s the right order?

Many people say, “One good advice is to follow your instincts ...”. Cultivate an ear for the right word order”. Feeble, I know, but still... Well, actually there is an order of adjectives.

Adjective order is not a random or inexplicable part of English. Generally, adjective order is grouped as follows:

Opinion (pretty, lazy)
Size (small, large)
Age (old, young)
Shape (square, round)
Colour (red, green)
Origin (Malaysian, Burmese)
Material (plastic, wooden)
Purpose (dinner, coffee)
+ noun
Thus, we say:
a great (size) green (colour) dragon (noun)
a pretty (opinion) young (age) woman (noun)
a pretty (opinion) young (age) Burmese (origin) woman (noun)
a fine (opinion) old (age) house (noun)

Now, try these out!
Man / old / poor
Bowl / round / blue / big / salad
Table / antique / wooden
Apples / green / sour / large
Girl / little / sweet / Malay

A poor old man
A big round blue salad bowl
An antique wooden table
Sour large green apples
A sweet little Malay girl

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