Thursday, December 31, 2009

How to Make Coversation

Conversation connects us face-to-face with one another. In this age of email, text messaging and sound bites, conversation can seem unimportant. It is though as essential to business dealings as it is to connecting with your neighbour. Follow these steps and hone your conversation skills.


  1. Step 1

Consider that conversation is a two-way street a give-and-take. One-side relationships rarely work out. Listen at least as much as you talk, if not more. There is something to learn from almost everyone. Be sensitive to the interests of others.

  1. Step 2

Do your homework so you won't miss an opportunity for conversation. Bring up something about another person's life and you have an instant connection. Ask about the kids, the dog or the recent vacation. Your interest is considered a compliment.

  1. Step 3

Stay current. Know what's going on in the world and you'll always have something to talk about. Be in touch with what people are talking about, what matters, what will drive the future.

  1. Step 4

Exercise good taste. Consider to whom you're speaking and keep topics appropriate. Not all subjects are suitable for all conversations.

  1. Step 5

Be inclusive. People who are left out feel uncomfortable. Find ways to include others in the conversation.

  1. Step 6

Make eye contact for effective conversation. It projects your confidence and makes the other person feel your undivided attention.

  1. Step 7

Win at conversation by realizing that conversation is about understanding what others want and your ability to sincerely convey you're listening.

Courtesy of E-How

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