Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Formula of SVA

I love to teach SVA... but I found that many of my students are having difficulties with the rules.. so i created this simple formula called the formula of's meant for beginners and it works well on my LEP technical students... Feel free to try out!

Remember the formula:

1+s & >1-s


1. The formula reads : If the subject is 'one' add 's' to the verb; If the subject is 'more than one' remove 's' from the verb.

2. Teach students to identify SUBJECT & VERB in a sentence. Always mark the subject with this symbol '1' or '>1'.

3. Drilling technique is important here as the idea is to let students become familiar with the formula.

4. So, start with at least 10 examples before letting students do on their own. Always start with simple sentences.